Managing Change in your Local Church (Video)

Presented by Peter Corney for the Institute for Contemporary Christian Leadership.

This video presentation describes the dynamics of change, particularly in  a conservative organisation like the local church and how to manage it constructively. It could be used as a basis for discussion about change with a local church lay council or for discussion and training with ministers. You could use the breaks between each part as a time for discussion in groups.

(Total length: 23min45s – because YouTube videos have a maximum length of 10min per clip, this video has been divided into 3 parts)

Part 1 (8min34s) Deals with the extent and pace of change today and the question of what we should preserve and what we should adjust to – the tension between continuity and relevance. The inevitability of change, the gospel and change and the dynamics of change.

Part 2 (9min38s) Presents a series of practical clues for managing change. Different models and approaches. A series of key principles and guidelines for running meetings to discuss changes.

Part 3 (5min33s) Key principles continued. The overiding principle of submitting  all methods and structures to our Christ given mission.

Being a Welcoming Church (Audio)

Recorded 22 February, 2009.



(You may also download MP3 as a podcast)

This sermon is a challenge to the local congregation to be a more welcoming community. It discusses practical ways in which this can be done and calls us to be like the welcoming father in Jesus’  parable, arms wide open ready to receive all who come.

Coming Home (Audio)

Recorded 22 June, 2008 at



(You may also download MP3 as a podcast)

This sermon speaks about the universal longings we all experience for love and justice, beauty and purity, forgiveness and redemption  and  how God is speaking to us in them, how God is calling us home to Himself.

The Lord’s Supper (Audio)

Recorded 7 September, 2008 at St



(You may also download MP3 as a podcast)

This sermon’s theme is the meaning and significance of the Lord’s Supper. The question it seeks to answer is “Why do we need to gather corporately and regularly to remember Christ’s death for us? Why can we not just do this alone and individually?” It challenges us to take seriously our mutual responsibility to one another as the body of Christ.

This sermon was preached at St. Hilary’s Kew in 2008.

The uniqueness of Christianity in a pluralist society (Video)

Presented by Peter Corney for the Christian Medical and Dental Fellowship of Australia – 2004.

This lecture was designed for Christian university students to introduce them to the concept of world views and to help them enter into dialogue with fellow students on Christianity. It discusses the development of western world views and the influence of Christianity, how these have changed and the significance of this for evangelism today.

It can be used as a discussion starter for student Christian groups on campus or the local church. A PDF of discussion notes can also be downloaded.

(Total length: 58min48s — because YouTube videos have a maximum length of 10min per clip, this video has been divided into multiple parts)

Part 1 (9min36s)

Part 2 (9min18s)

Part 3 (9min22s)

Part 4 (9min54s)

Part 5 (9min28s)

Part 6 (7min31s)

Part 7 (3min35s)