
Mission statement

Foundations has three aims:

1. To provoke thinking and provide ideas for Christians who want to thoughtfully critique and influence
their culture.

2. To encourage and resource Christians in pastoral leadership.

3. To stimulate the Church to a greater effectiveness in its Mission.

“Everybody who believes, thinks – both thinks in believing, and believes in thinking.”
( Augustine of Hippo.)

Jesus said, ” love the Lord your God  with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind…..”  (Mathew 22:37)

Christian Leadership

“A life tethered to the leadership needs of the Church can be tough. But it is also invigorating to receive the freedom and dissonance of the called life in a world where all too many people live as if they were answerable to nothing more than their own desires. In saying yes to the summons, we yield to the adventure of a life  free of the ideology that enslaves this culture. We are owned, commandeered for God, being used for a purpose greater than ourselves.”   (William Willimon Dean of Chapel [ emeritus] Duke University.)

A prayer.

Lord grant us:

A holiness without legalism,

A discipline with celebration,

An unworldliness that is life affirming,

A simplicity of life that is aesthetically aware,

A frugality that is not mean,

A distinctiveness that is hospitable,

A clarity of belief that is gracious.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen                         (Peter Corney)